by Jerry Abiog | Feb 8, 2021 | Media, Podcast
BOOK A CONVERSATION Checkout my podcast interview with Barbara Castiglia of The Main Course. Episode summary originally appeared here. Food is serious business. Now, on The Main Course, host Barbara Castiglia will invite insiders on the front lines...
by Jerry Abiog | Sep 28, 2020 | Podcast
Listen or watch this episode if you are a restaurateur who values being data driven to drive growth during these difficult times. Curious to see the next wave for keeping restaurants safe and profitable? BOOK DEMO NOW Podcast summary from the Best Served Podcast by...
by Jerry Abiog | Aug 31, 2020 | Podcast
Excerpts from the Everyday Innovator podcast (named one of the ’10 Best Podcasts for Designers and Innovators by Inc.) by Chad McAllister, PhD. ‘Here’s what I love about the product story journey. The market changed rapidly – you had an...
by Jerry Abiog | Jul 28, 2020 | Podcast
Excerpts from the Killer Innovations podcast (named one of the ’10 Best Podcasts for Designers and Innovators by Inc.) by Phil McKinney ‘Digital transformation -it is becoming an imperative. Grocery stores and restaurants being able to take online...
by Jerry Abiog | Jul 22, 2020 | Media, Podcast
Excerpts from the PR After Hours podcast by Alex Greenwood. ‘We’ve done interviews with restaurant industry experts where we talked about Covid. One of the things we talked about is that people aren’t going to touch menus. They’ll touch their...
by Jerry Abiog | Jul 7, 2020 | Media, Podcast
Excerpts from the The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOps podcast by Michael ‘Fritz’ Fritzius. ‘I’m one to talk about failures. I don’t want to hide things in the background. Being an entrepreneur, being a business owner is freaking hard. Anyone that...